Monday, 30 March 2009

Free Spells - Writing Witch Spells

It occurred to me that, seeing as I had written an article on how to write your own witch spells on another site, I may as well include it here! So click here if you want to know more :)

But if you want a condensed version, here’s a few bullet points on where to start and what to do if attempting your own witch spells:

  • Do not write curses or ‘black’ spells. This will come back to you threefold.

  • You can use rhyme to build rhythm and energy during your spell but it is not essential.
    Keep spells basic until you know what works and what doesn’t.

  • Allow some leeway for the higher powers to give you something better than what you *think* you want, eg. Don’t ask to win money on the lottery and miss out on a cash prize elsewhere!

  • However, do be specific when it comes to the aim of your spell. This will help to guide the powers in exactly the right direction.

  • Include rose quartz, pink candles or the herb basil in your ingredients for love spells
    Ask a Wiccan God or Goddess of your choice to bless you with what you desire. It helps to focus you.

There’s much, much more info in the article so feel free to check it out :)

Fran's Free Spells

Friday, 27 March 2009

Free Spells - Psychic Development & How It Helps Witch Spells

Not a free spell as such, but I thought it would be a good time to include how psychic powers can assist you in your spell making.

Many people keep witchcraft and psychic abilities completely separate but I feel that this is a waste of, what combined, can be a very potent force. You can, in my mind, double the impact of your spells by tuning into your extrasensory side.

Undoubtedly psychic development is a course in itself so I will not attempt to go into that here. But if you feel that you have a gift or are interested in using instincts or imagery to power up your spells, here’s a few starting points to get you thinking.

1) Firstly, let your intuition guide you towards the direction your spells should be taking. Has someone been in your thoughts a lot lately? Maybe a spell to send them increased luck or comforting would be good.

2) When writing and casting your spells, add that you would like the subject of the spell to visit your dreams. For example, if you want love you can ask that you increase the connection by dreaming of your heart’s desire. :)

3) Use relevant tarot cards in your rituals. Seeking a good marriage? Try including the 4 of Wands in your spell. Could do with some good luck? Bring in the Wheel of Fortune!

4) Ask your guides to join forces with you and send you their love and energy to assist you in making your spell a success. Don’t forget to thank them afterwards.

5) Use clairvoyant powers to adapt your spells. Dedication to your spell is great, but being too rigid is not. Do not ignore your inner voice if it is telling you that the outcome will not be as you want it to be. Meaning? I have often seen people try to use spell craft to get someone to change, eg. A wayward boyfriend or cheating spouse. Deep down we often know that this is impossible but wishful thinking spurs us on nevertheless. Don’t fall into that trap. Let your intuition guide you and instead redirect the spell to bring the love you deserve into your life.

Hope this helps you to bring something extra into your spell work.

Fran's Free Spells :)

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Free Spells - Love Sachets

This week’s free spell is an excellent way to build some love attracting energy around you without needing to go through a complicated ritual. It’s a sachet of herbs especially known for their love powers and just about anyone can make one.

The sachet itself can be made out almost anything; cuts of fabric, muslin cloth, even an old stocking. You just need to add some ribbon, thread or string to tie it up with - it’s as simple as that! You then need to add your material with herbs and there are particular herbs associated with attracting love so you may want to choose from the following:

Hibiscus flower
Blue poppy seed
Jasmine flowers
Lavender flowers
Pink Rose Buds

As you can see, flowers are made for love spells!

You can use any one but it is preferable to use a selection. Experiment to find which combinations work best for you (and don’t forget to note your results in your journal/book of shadows!).

As with all spells, you will need to make sure you charge it with some energy for its purpose but this can be done while you make the sachet. As you work, light either a white candle to Aphrodite (the Goddess of love) or a pink candle for love. Visualise the one that you want to be with, or if no one in particular right now, imagine love coming to you and the feelings of joy and warmth etc. Be specific about what you want to get and feel from love.

Now you’ve done your free spell, you can keep it with you or place it under your pillow (thinking of love as you drift off to sleep). But my favourite is to hang it in your wardrobe - particularly good for clothes that you intend to wear on a big date!

Next time, I’m planning on ways to use psychic powers in your free spells so see you then :)

Have fun and LOVE & light!
Fran xx

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Free Spell With A Candle!

Last time I wrote of the benefits of using spell candles. This week’s free spell is a spell that uses a candle! Is there a difference I hear you say? Well, yes albeit a nominal one. Spell candles are an excellent way to get started as the process is simple and easy to follow. But what if you have a slightly more complicated favour to ask the universe??

This candle spell guide is designed to get you thinking about writing your own spells and therefore harnessing your own energy and abilities. You achieve this in the process of charging the candle yourself and preparing it for your own needs. How? By writing your own words! You don’t get more of a free spell than one you’ve written yourself! ;)

Do you have something in mind that you would like to happen in your life at the moment? Start focusing on it as this is going to be the basis of your spell. You’re going to turn it into your statement of intent (although I will write about this in more detail in later free spells).

So if say, you want to bring love into your life, you need to write the spell around this. Here’s a very simple example to use as your basis but it is important for you to really think about doing your own as you’ll build so much more energy from it that way. So, anyway, something along the lines of:

Heart be open, heart be fair
Bring me a man who is full of care!
The traits I desire are, strong and true
Aphrodite I bow to you.

You do not have to include the name of a Goddess at this stage but it gives you focus and of course, this gives you potency and strength. In order to perform your spell, light your candle first and think of your heart’s desire. Concentrate on the flame to get yourself in the right frame of mind. Now recite your spell into the flame and let the energy flow between and around you. You may repeat your spell 3 times if you wish, or you can sit in quiet contemplation as the candle burns down.

Hope you have fun working on your spell, - more free spells coming up!
Fran xx